Service Contracts
The HCC offers a fee-for-service option for faculty at TAMU and external sponsors to commission projects where ESNL staff in the HCRF collect data for them on their independent projects. The following provides a list of projects conducted for TAMU faculty and external sponsors. Note, CTRAL is no longer contributing to the fee-for-service program so they can focus on conducting grant-related research.
Projects Conducted for TAMU Faculty
Data Collected with Assistance of ESNL
Augmenting Exercise Protocols with Interactive Virtual Reality Environments
PI: Diaz Artiles (Aerospace Eng); CoPI’s: Chamitoff (Aerospace Eng), Moore (HLKN)
Amount of funding: $29,312 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
SpO2 Biomedical Instrumentation Development Grant
PI: Hur (Eng Tech Ind Dist); CoPI: Fink (Eng Tech Ind Dist)
Amount of funding: $22,500 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Longitudinal Upper Limb Tremor Measurement and Activity Recognition for People with Arm Dominant Tremor via a Wrist Device
PI: Kim (Eng Tech Ind Dist)
Amount of funding: $37,177 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Proprioceptive Augmentation using Proximity Feedback via Trancutaneous Electrical Stimulation, for Rehabilitation of Elbow Joint Movement after Proprioceptive Loss
PI: Park (Elec Comp Eng), CoPI’s: Lei (HLKN)
Amount of funding: $30,000 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Enhancing Therapeutic Device Adherence of Children with ADHD: An Efficacy Trial
PI: Guiseppi-Elie (Biom Eng)
Amount of funding: $17,102 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Effects of Mosquito Bites on Skin Reaction and Perceived Itchiness
PI: Adelman (AGLS)
Amount of funding: $5,300; Sponsor: Entomology (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Biomarkers of Stress and Pain Following Sexual Assault: A Feasibility Pilot Study
PI: Downing (NURS); CoPI; Meagher (Psych Brain Sci)
Amount of funding: $37,242 (Two studies)
Sponsor: College of Nursing (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Long-Term Genetic Sample Storage
PI: Gagne (EPSY)
Amount of funding: $4,191 Sponsor: EPSY (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Protective Factors Against Stress and Preterm Birth in Pregnant African Americans
PI: Page (NURS); CoPi’s: Neal, Gabriel, Taylor, Brandie (NURS)
Amount of funding: $10,021
Sponsor: College of Nursing (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Stress, Cognitive Impairment, and Self-management Behaviors among Rural Minorities Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes
PI: Harvey (HLKN); CoPI: Bernard (Neurosci)
Amount of funding: $14,469 or $29,780 total award
Sponsor: CEHD Catapult Seed Grant (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Effects of the GoLo Weight Loss Program on Body Composition
PI: Talcott (NFS, AGLS)
Amount of funding: $2,352
Sponsor: NFS through GoLo, Inc. (Private)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
COVID19 Breath Analyzer Validation Study
PI: Staack (CoE/Meng)
Amount of funding: ($50,000)
Sponsor: Meng as part of NFS grant
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
e-Cube Gaming Study
PI: Lee (CoE/Eng Tech Ind Dist)
Amount of funding: ($7,500)
Sponsor: Psychology
Data Collection Assistance: Dr. Lee’s Lab
Longitudinal Investigation of Sociocultural and Behavioral Influences on Symptom Management, Biological Response, and Functioning Between Chinese and White Breast Cancer Survivors
J Wang (PI).
Sponsor: NIH Cancer Control and Population Sciences – Cancer Survivorship Research.
Amount of funding: (Grant #5R01CA248413-02, $176,946 sub-award from $629,169 award to L Chen (SPH)
Data Collection Assistance: L Chen (SPH)
Non-Invasive Rapid Breath Analysis as a Means to Detect Toxic Exposures
PI: Staack (CoE/Meng), Kreider (CoPI).
Sponsor: DOD-Army-Medical Research and Materiel Command.
Amount of funding: $1,133,984 (HCC – $380,000 to collect samples). Submitted to Sponsor.
Timing matters: rejuvenating effect of exercise on cardiac circadian metabolism.
PI: S. Sato (CoE), CoI (R Kreider, J Lawler)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health.
Amount of funding: $2,702,185. Second submission submitted to sponsor for review.
Data Collected with Assistance of CTRAL
(Focusing on Grants Only Now)
Daytime Sleep in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
PI: Bukkapatnum (Ind and Sys Eng); CoPI’s: Woltering (EPSY)
Amount of funding: $40,000 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL
The Relation between the Meal Macronutrient Distribution and Plasma Metabolites to Model the Composition of Meals of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
PI: Cote’ (Biomed Eng)
Amount of funding: $100,011 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL
Isoleucine Intake and Intermediary Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes
PI: Park (Elect Comp Eng),
Amount of funding: $49,557 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL
Skeletal Muscle Response to Leg Exercise in Subjects with and without COPD
PI: Wright (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Amount of funding: $40,000 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL
Wearable Systems for Accurate Nutritional Monitoring
PI: McShane (Biomed Eng),
Amount of funding: $82,000 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL
Neural Control fo Motor Function with Obesity
PI: Mehta (Ind Syst Eng)
Amount of funding: $55,000 (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL
Insight in the complex metabolic disturbances underlying sepsis and the response to targeted nutritional modulation
PI: ten Have (HLKN)
Amount of funding: $12,500 of $30,000 total award
Sponsor: CEHD Catapult Seed Grant (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL
PrOteiN DigEstibility and Recovery in Patients Undergoing Autologous Stem Cell Transplant
PI: Deutz (HLKN)
Amount of funding: $2,979
Sponsor: Ponder Endowment (Internal)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL

Projects Conducted for External Sponsors
Data Collected with Assistance of ESNL
Natreon Research & Development Program
TAMU PI: Kreider (HLKN)
Amount of funding: $7,879
Sponsor: Natreon (Private).
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Effects of Ashwagandha and Paraxanthine Ingestion on Executive Function
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of Dr. Martin Purpura & Dr. Ralph Jäger (Increnovo)
Amount of Funding: $49,061
Sponsor: Increnovo / Specnova
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Effects of Varying Doses of Paraxanthine Supplementation on Executive Function
HCRFPI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of Dr. Martin Purpura & Dr. Ralph Jäger (Increnovo) and Dr. Shawn Wells (WGI)
Amount of Funding: $103,616
Sponsor: Increnovo / WGI
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Effects of Paraxanthine Supplementation with and without Caffeine on Executive Function and Performance
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of Dr. Martin Purpura & Dr. Ralph Jäger (Increnovo) and Dr. Shawn Wells (WGI)
Amount of Funding: $96,643
Sponsor: Increnovo / WGI
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Effects of nooLVL™ Ingestion on Cognitive Function in Gamers
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of CRO Jim Komorowski and Sara Perez Ojalvo (N21)
Amount of Funding: $152,167
Sponsor: Nutrition 21
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Effects of Tart Cherry Ingestion on Food-Induced Serum Uric Acid Elevation
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of Russ Anderson
Amount of Funding: $151,167
Sponsor: Anderson Advanced Ingredients / Shoreline Fruit
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
A Cross-Over Comparator Study Between Ester-C® and Ascorbic Acid Evaluating Acute Pharmacokinetics in Adult Women and Men
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of Dr. Susie Rockway (Nature’s Bounty)
Amount of Funding: $700,000
Sponsor: The Nature’s Bounty Co./Nestle Health Science
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Efficacy of a Microalgae Extract PhaeoSOL on Optimizing the Benefits of Overweight and Moderately Obese Women Participating in an Exercise and Weight Management Program
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of Ilya Zhivkovich (MicroPhyt)
Amount of Funding: $201,607
Sponsor: MicroPhyt (France)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Efficacy of a Microalgae Extract PhaeoSOL combined with Guarana on Cognitive Function and Gaming Performance of Video Gamers
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of Ilya Zhivkovich (MicroPhyt)
Amount of Funding: $154,068 budgeted
Sponsor: MicroPhyt (France)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Study of the Effect of BrainPhyt on Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Individuals
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of Ilya Zhivkovich (MicroPhyt)
Amount of Funding: $3,156 as FFS, $184,194 as grant
Sponsor: MicroPhyt (France)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Nutrient Absorption from a Novel Liposomal Multivitamin / Mineral Formulation
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN) on behalf of Max Willis (Nutraceutical Corp)
Amount of Funding: $3,156 as FFS, $134,079 as grant
Sponsor: Nutraceutical Corp.
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Secure Repository for Academic Research Study
HCRF PI: Kreider (HLKN), PI’s: Brackett (CoE/TEES) and Adkins (Identify3D)
Amount of Funding: $6,816
Sponsor: Subcontract from Identify3D on DARPA funded project (Federal)
Data Collection Assistance: ESNL
Data Collected with Assistance of CTRAL
(Focusing on Grants Only Now)
Amino Acid Analysis
HCRF PI: Deutz (HLKN) on behalf of Dr. Mette Berger (CHUV)
Amount of funding: $89,170
Sponsor: Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland (Private)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL
Citrulline Analysis
HCRF PI: Deutz (HLKN) on behalf of Allerton (PBRC)
Amount of Funding: $8,478
Sponsor: Pennington Biomedical Research Center (PBRC), LSU (Private)
Data Collection Assistance: CTRAL