Research Entities
Independent Centers & Labs
The HCRF is also home to the Center for Translational Research in Aging and Longevity (CTRAL), the Exercise & Sport Nutrition Lab (ESNL), and the Aerospace Engineering Human Centrifuge. They are independently managed, staffed, supervised, and equipped research entities that obtain their own funding to conduct their research and support their staff. They are available to collaborate with faculty and sponsors on research projects and grants of mutual interest. If you are interested in collaborating with Resident PI’s, you are encouraged to contact them directly by clicking the logo’s below.
Nicolaas Deutz, MD, PhD
Director, Center for Translational Research in Aging and Longevity
Marielle Engelen, PhD
Co-Director and Head of Clinical Research
Gabriella Ten Have, PhD
Senior Research Associate
Director, CTRAL Pre-Clinical Studies
Co-Director, CTRAL Analytical Laboratory
Independent Labs Housed in the HCRF
Richard B. Kreider, PhD
Director, Exercise & Sport Nutrition Lab
Chris Rasmussen, MS, MX, EPC
Research Associate and Coordinator
Ana Diaz-Artiles, PhD
Director, Bioastronautics and Human Performnance Lab
Co-Director, Human Centrifuge Annex
Bonnie Dunbar, PhD
Director, Aerospace Human Systems Laboratory
Co-Director, Human Centrifuge Annex
Human Clinical Core
The HCRF also serves as a Human Clinical Core service center. TAMU faculty and external sponsors can conduct their research in the HCRF by requesting space, renting space, collaborating with resident PI’s on projects, and/or having HCRF staff (primarily from the ESNL) collect data for them on a fee-for-service basis. If you are interested in requesting space, renting space, and/or having the HCRF collect data for you on your projects (on and off-campus), contact Dr. Kreider.
Richard B. Kreider, PhD
Executive Director, Human Clinical Research Facility