Fee for service
In addition to PI’s housed in the HCRF conducting their independent research, the HCRF has been set up as a Human Clinical Core Service Center. TAMUS Principal Investigators and external research sponsors can work with HCRF staff to collect data for them on a fee-for-service basis typically by ESNL staff. Internal and external at-cost rates have been approved by the university for each of the services and capabilities offered by the HCRF.HCRF staff will work with the PI’s to obtain IRB approval and collect data for them in the HCRF. Once data are collected, the results are forwarded to the PI or external sponsor for their use. Costs for services performed are invoiced monthly until the project is complete.
PI’s interested in using the HCRF for their research and/or having HCRF staff collect data for them on their IRB-approved protocols on a fee-for-service basis should contact Dr. Kreider to obtain an estimate of costs for doing their projects. If there are other tests you are interested in having the HCRF perform that are not currently listed, contact Dr. Kreider to see if the HCRF has those capabilities and can obtain approval from the university for those services to be added to the list of services offered.
Study Planning
- Consulting
- IRB Preparation
- Project Initiation
- Project Management

Participant Recruitment
- Scheduling
- Recruitment
- Familiarization
- Entrance Criteria Assessment
- General Physician Exam
- Psychological Assessment (hourly)
- General Vision Assessment
- Ocular Assessment
- General Hearing Assessment
- Tendon Reflex Assessment

Clinical Assessments
- Height / Weight / BMI / HR / BP
- Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA)
- Skinfold Body Composition
- Body Composition and Bone Density Assessment (DEXA)
- Body Surface Area Analysis (Aerospace Engineering Lab)
- MRI/QCT Assessment (TIPS)
- Resting Energy Expenditure
- Submaximal Performance Test
- Neurotracker Light Test
- 6-minute walk test
- Flexibility Test
- Resting 12-lead ECG
- ECG Stress Test
- Cardiopulmonary Stress Test
- Doppler Ultrasound Assessment
- Endurance Capacity Test
- Gaming Session Performance Test
- Anaerobic Capacity Test
- Isotonic Strength Assessment
- Isokinetic Strength Testing (KinCom)
- Algometer Pain Assessment
- Balance assessment
- Hemodynamic Tilt / Postoral Control Test
- Dietary Record (4-d)
- Cognitive Function Assessment / Questionnaires
- Nap Sleep Study
- Overnight Sleep Study

Participant Care, Training, & Rehabilitation
- Participant Personal Care
- Food / Meal Preparation (hourly)
- Exercise Training (Monthly)
- Personalized Exercise Rehabilitation (hourly)

Sample Collection, Handling & Storage
- Phlebotomy Venipuncture
- Phlebotomy (Finger Stick)
- Urine Collection
- Saliva Collection
- Feces Collection & Processing
- Qualitative Urine Analysis
- Muscle Biopsy (including cleaning of equipment)
- Fat Biopsy (including cleaning of equipment)
- Sample Handling & Preparation
- Sample Storage (Freezers)

Sample Analysis
- Analytic Chemistry Analysis (hourly)
- CBC w/Differential Panel
- Serum Panel (Full Comprehensive)
- Serum Panel (Glucose, & Lipid Panel or HbA1c)
- Serum Panel (Enzyme Panel)
- Finger Stick (Glucose)
- Finger Stick (Lactate)
- Hormone Analysis (e.g., ELISA or EIA) – Low-Cost Kit
- Hormone Analysis (e.g., ELISA or EIA) – Average Kit Cost
- Hormone Analysis (e.g., ELISA or EIA) – High-Cost Kit
- Platelet Aggregation Analysis
- Vitamin or Mineral Analysis (Outsourced)
- Flow Cytometry Immune Analysis (Outsourced)
- Amino Acid Analysis (Outsourced)

Study Management and Analysis
- Record Storage
- Data Entry / Analysis
- Off-site Participant Monitoring
- Study Management

Facility Use
- Study / Exam Rooms
- Shared Rehab/Training Facilities
- Parking